Who’d a thunk it???

So… Day 129 in Lockdown…. who’d a thunk it?? Well folks, thanks so much for replying to my little survey last month, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. The general consensus was that the majority of you would prefer not to join ‘in studio’ group classes until we have some clarity on what the heck…

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Zooming into June… VROOM VROOM VROOM!

Hey there folks! Bonjour, hola, howzit, groete, sanibonani, ciao, hei, dumela, ni hao, salu, shalom, molo and hello! Day 65 in Lockdown – I hope that you are all well and looking forward to Monday when we go to level 3! Cheers to that!! Just a quick note to all of you my Pilates Zoomers. Thanks so much for…

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August Newsletter

Hello August! Greetings everybody!                                                   I hope that this email finds you well, and excited about the new month ahead!  I love August – somehow it feels like we have gotten over the crux of the winter and can look…

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